Answer the following questions to begin
  • Parental Asthma
    Has either of the child's biological parents ever been diagnosed or treated for asthma?
  • Eczema
    Was the child diagnosed with eczema (atopic dermatitis) between birth and age 3 years?
  • Early Wheezing
    From birth to age 3 years, did the child ever wheeze?
  • Wheezing When Healthy
    Did the child ever wheeze when not sick?
  • Ancestry
    Is the child or either of his/her parents of black/African ancestry?
  • Allergies
    Has the child ever had allergy skin testing (skin prick testing)?
3% BY AGE 7
Children with this score have a 1 in 33 [score of 0] to a 1 in 9 [score of 4] risk of developing asthma by age 7 years